Sun, Aug. 17th, 2008, 12:09 pm

Sorry I havent been online or really around lately.
The Martial Arts Studio I work for is working on buying a new
building and I've been up to my eye balls in work.
If you need me, IM me! I'm always around even if
I'm buried in work! <3 things should be chilling out soon.

The Nothing Gypsy


Wed, Aug. 13th, 2008, 08:08 am

Hey, it is JT, yes, I still exist. As some of you remember I had been sick and then had gotten a concussion, well since then my head has been on the quiet side and I haven't been at my computer so much. so I think I need to take a bit of a hiatus to straighten myself out some from what I am in at the moment. Forgive me if the writing here is a little off I have a very painful headache that isn't going away even after taking things for it.


Thu, Aug. 7th, 2008, 12:29 pm

Accepted? Yes.
Added to the friends button? No.
C'mon man.

Thu, Aug. 7th, 2008, 02:31 am

I have been sick, have been for a few days, some of you may have known this. Well, I was feeling better today, or at least I was. I am not having much luck. I was just walking through my living room and slip on I don't know what. Well I fell back and bashed my head and this stupid container thing my mom has left in the living room that holds some of her material, she kept it there because she liked putting her feet on it and her drink on it, as some of you know I think she is a bitch and a pain in the ass. Well I think I may have a small concussion from it so I don't know how much I will be around or how out of it I may be if I am on line. I'm not having good luck lately.

So I don't know how much if at all I will be around. Sorry.

JT, Ryouta and Jonathan's player.

Thu, Aug. 7th, 2008, 02:05 am
[info]anathemaprep: friend's button has been updated!

Tue, Aug. 5th, 2008, 08:02 pm
[info]barbedwirekitty: FYI...

I am alive (most of the time) and BORED

hit me up (AIM: for an RP


Mon, Aug. 4th, 2008, 05:03 am
[info]mortuus_madidus: HEEEEEEELLO!?

Anyone still kicking up in dis beeyotch?

I know things are still looking a little grim... but we've recruited absorbed a few people and I've got two people working on apps now and possibley two more.

-keeps fingers crossed-

Fri, Aug. 1st, 2008, 10:50 pm
[info]poecosta: drop tho

sorry kids, but seeing that there's really nothing going on here, I'm gonna drop poe for an undisclosed amount of time. SORRY if you wanted a line with poe, but you can always find me at my own communty; [info]ho17y and on aim, kisaki died

Fri, Aug. 1st, 2008, 12:53 am

Y0, fellow Anathema-ians. (: Sorry I haven't been around these past couple of days. Had a bit of stuff going on, and I'm actually starting to work on my summer assignments. Ack. Anyway, I'm not leaving you guys. I heart Anathema. <3 Just was a little busy! I apologize.

Anyway, I probably won't be around tomorrow night. I'll try to sign on during the day, but my friend is coming over tomorrow - and we're going to a Breaking Dawn release party like a couple of nerd0s. (;(;

But, anyway. I lurve y00. And Evan, Ben, and Immi are totally around for anything.

Ben desperately needs plot, though. Since Parker left, he's all alone and stuff. Also, JT! Immi is up for a thread with Jon whenever. Sorry I've been so... not here. :P

Wed, Jul. 30th, 2008, 03:53 pm

Hey everyone, this is Chele. I know I haven't been around and for that I apologize. Just been distracted by life. I'd really really hate to do this to everyone but I'm just going to go ahead and pull Teagan. I do love her, but I just feel like I'm not doing much with her and my muse for has sort of died out. No one's fault but my own.

I wish the game and everyone playing in it the best of luck. :]

Love, Chele

Mon, Jul. 28th, 2008, 05:46 pm

Okay, so. Jess left. Which means Lilith is gone. Which means Adam is leaving, too. O': I know he was only in the game for like, a day... but Lilith was his biggest line here, and without her, he won't fit. So, I'm taking him elsewhere.


Evan, Ben, and Immi are here to stay! (; For always, man!

Mon, Jul. 28th, 2008, 11:09 am
[info]mortuus_madidus: decided to show me some love and let me make a new SN. Mm'yep.
So if anyone needs to reach Dylan---


Sun, Jul. 27th, 2008, 09:18 pm

Hey guys, I know I just said that I'd stay in, but with the influx of new characters and the characters that are left, mine just don't fit anymore.

I'm really sorry to do this, especially since I just said that I'd stick around, but I'm just starting to get burned out. I'm really sorry to do this, I swear.

I know this all sounds like bullshit, but I mean it. I wish you all the best of luck.

Sun, Jul. 27th, 2008, 08:24 pm

The name is Leigh. My SN is nzumbeLOVE. And being an RP machine is my game.
[ohhhh I'm just too giddy right now :P]

I am here to bring you... dun dun dun.
That's right Dylan Haynes- the 'younger' twin of Evan Haynes who was just recently transferred to Anathema. Unlike his brother he is a vampire and his secret just so happens to be #54. They said I had a drinking problem before. But now that I'm a Vampire and my tolerance is even higher, they haven't seen anything. Now who doesn't love a good 'dead drunk?'

He's sarcastic, cynical, crass, blunt, vengeful, perverse, seemingly cold hearted, and has is your basic self-loathing vampire. Don't expect him to open up to you- but if you need someone to twist everything you say into something fucked up... he's your boy!

Dylan is the prime example of the term "The Other Twin." The Haynes' siblings have only one thing in common [well other than the fact that they share the same genes] is that they are both undoubtedly evil. But don't think that this brings them together as some awesome twin team... oh no. Dylan hates, despises, abhors and loathes Evan. One of the only good things he sees about being a vampire is knowing that there is a great possibility that he will see his brother die. Sick and twisted? You betcha.

And then... there is her. Varekai Wraith Aristades. The girl of his dreams, his best friend from years ago, the one he jacks off too, the one that Evan has claimed. He is secretly obsessed with her and has spent most of his time so far at Anathema stalking following her. During this time he has come to the realization that she is Annalexia's Familiar which pisses him off to no end. No one... NO ONE... could ever truely appreciate Vare as he can.

It's pretty much set in stone that he's already got an enemy in his twin, but still Dylan is lonely and needs the usual.
*Lovers Fuck buddies.
*possibly later on down the road a Familiar.
*all that good stuff.

Since is being a bitchass at the moment I have yet to be able to make him a SN but when I do... you can betcherass I'll put it up here. ^.^


Sat, Jul. 26th, 2008, 10:47 pm

Hello, all! This is your friendly neighborhood Spider-man> Zoe bringing you a new character! This is Adam Eisley ([info]adameisley), a British Werewolf in America. He is a Senior, and his secret is I am a Werewolf, but I have no control over my wolf form. I lock myself up during the full moon, because I'm afraid if I don't, I'll hurt someone. It's happened before. He was responsible for the accidental deaths of his aunt, his uncle, and his younger sister; because of this, he tends to worry for the safety of others, even when he doesn't have to. Thinking about his past makes him hate what he becomes. His Godfather, Aaron Keaton, is one of the school librarians, and that is where he spends most of his time.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, he's imprinted! On Lilith Cabots. So, he'll always be around to look out for her, and is currently working up the courage to tell her that she's his imprint.

Other than that, he'll need the usual!

Et cetera!

I would love to have him converse with a few characters over AIM. His is lone imprints. And if you want to plot, catch me on Secluded Spells or drop a comment, man. Rock on! \m/

Fri, Jul. 25th, 2008, 10:54 pm

I'm dropping Lily Keller.

Don't worry, Dorian, Emily, & Piper are still here.

I also plan to pick up a new girl, somewhat Lilyesque, but different, I don't know.
Maybe a new boy.

Thu, Jul. 24th, 2008, 08:10 pm

Actually, I'm going to stay. I really love my three, and I'm going to find their voices again, if its the last thing I do.

Thu, Jul. 24th, 2008, 03:49 pm

Because I was in a really foul mood yesterday, I've deleted the part of this post that wasn't necessary in the least bit.

If you want to know why I left, and I'm sure you don't, it's because I was a step away from being kicked anyway and most of my lines quit.

I apologize for being so incredibly rude yesterday, because it certainly wasn't called for.

I'm limited on time otherwise this would be far more elegant than it is. But I'm out with Parker Taylor, Cameron Kerrigan, and Luke Jordan. I'll still miss most of you.



Thu, Jul. 24th, 2008, 02:43 pm

Hey, this is Margaret, obv.

This post is going to be short because I hate awkward good-byes. But that's what this is.
My goodbye.

I'm pulling Echo Berlin, Holden Carver, Everett Birch, and Amandine Elliude from the game. You can remove them from your lists, and drop whatever plot you had with them. They won't be back.
I apologize for doing this in such an untimely manner, but both personal life and role-play life have gotten to me.
I know a lot of you are beyond talented. I know a lot of you are fucking idiots. But I appreciate the hospitality you showed me while I was here.

Everyone knows where you can find me.
disco massacres

I hope all of you can find this to be a reasonable decision.

Thu, Jul. 24th, 2008, 01:10 pm
[info]ex_evanbrech520: /:

Hi, guys. I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I've decided that I'm going to have to drop Violet. She has never really fit in as much as my other characters, and like a bad, crack mother I've been neglecting her, too. My muse for her has pretty much died. /: I'm really, really sorry to anyone she had lines with. Especially Gabby. )': Bah! I hate dropping characters! But, I want to give you guys 110% with all of my characters, and I think it will be in my best interest to remove her from the game. )':

Ack! I'm a pain in the ass. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me!

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